Category: Magdalena

  • Vacation Bible School 2019

    These past two weeks we had our vacation Bible school. It was so wonderful to be able to have all the kids there and watch as they learned not only crafts and skills, but also more importantly about the word of God.  We also had the privilege of having a team from Virginia here with…

  • Graduation 2019

    On Friday we had our annual graduation ceremony! All of the staff worked extremely hard to set up all of the decorations and stage. Unfortunately the rain did not hold off for long. Just as the band started to play, there was a downpour and the main tent had holes that were not previously noticed.…

  • Final Exams

    This week we have final exams! We are about to finish our school year and the students are making their final projects with their own creativity. It is very exciting for us to see the work of the students in all the different classes. This year has been a great blessing to everyone in Love…

  • Children’s Day Celebration

    The other day we celebrated Children’s Day! Even though there was a downpour of rain, the children still loved the celebration. The feeding center area was filled with decorations and balloons, and our literacy program teacher, Leyli, came to play games with all of the kids. The children were all so excited to play charades…

  • Independence Day Celebration

    In Guatemala last week, it was a time of celebrating independence. In Love Guatemala this September 12, we had our cultural celebration where all our students participated in dances, poems, plays, etc. It was very nice to see the students excited and willing to participate in our activity. Seeing them motivated and feeling proud of…

  • What Is It Like To Come On A Short Term Mission Trip?

    Being a part of a short term mission trip is a life changing experience.  Mission trips don’t just help people in the community that need it. It’s true that they do help people, but more than that, you will see God work in ways that you’ve never seen before. He will help you see things…

  • Student Devotional- Finishing Colossians

    On Monday, July 29, we finished studying the book of Colossians. It was a very special morning because the devotional was given by the students of Love Guatemala. Each classroom presented a summary, and also what they learned when studying Colossians. It was a great blessing to see the students in front talking about the…

  • Expansion Project Progress

    The work on the construction is moving along and it is beautiful to see the progress that has been made over this short course of time!  As of right now, the construction of the dome over the top of the multipurpose area has begun. The walls are being built up, with spaces for windows along…

  • Bridge 2019

    A couple weeks ago we were so blessed to have had Bridge church here with us! They did a lot of different projects here and we loved seeing them connect with everyone. The team worked hard on the land next store with the construction. They moved mounds of dirt to fill in holes by the…

  • Piedmont Church 2019

      This past week has been a blessing to everyone. We are thankful to God that Piedmont was able to be here to share and spend time with the students, staff, and community.  This week they were able to do many things. They spent an afternoon playing soccer with some of our students. They also…