Meet Our Staff: Yesika’s Story

We are so thankful for each and every staff member of Love Guatemala! We know that God allowed them to be a part of this ministry and that their work is invaluable. Yesika came to Love Guatemala to help change lives through speech therapy. Her work helps many children who have not gotten the opportunity to even go to school because of their speech. This is what Yesika says about how the program began and how it is beginning to grow:

My name is Yesika Lizania López. In October 2022, God put it in the hearts of the leaders of Love Guatemala to start a new program to help the community and I am thankful that they looked to me to help with this new project. Speech Therapy’s general objective is to evaluate, diagnose and rehabilitate difficulties in the area of comprehensive and expressive language. But the specific objective is to promote knowledge of the word of God. We want to make known values that lead to having a life pleasing to God.
The project began by designating the area, purchasing furniture and buying teaching materials.
In January 2023, the evaluation, diagnosis and rehabilitation of the first children enrolled on Fridays and Saturdays began.
In January 2024, God gave me the opportunity to be part of the leadership of Love Guatemala, assigning me to the areas of Nursing and feeding center whose objectives are to transmit the word of God to children and parents, as well as to provide clinical and health care services. That includes providing lunch two days a week to the children in the area.
Thank God the programs have remained stable, motivating the community to be part of the programs offered.
The goal is to expand each program in the number of children, meeting the objectives of each one. As well as the mission and vision of Love Guatemala.
I am so thankful to God for allowing me to be a part of Love Guatemala and be a part of these children’s lives!

Yesika is such an asset to our Love Guatemala family. She works hard to make a difference in the lives of the children she works with, all while continuing to go to school herself. We are extremely grateful for her, and we know that God will continue to do big things in her life!

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