Love Guatemala Blog

  • Announcing: New Sponsorship Ministry

    Another way we are going to continue to increase our involvement and love Guatemala better is through a new ministry we will be starting soon. This is a sponsorship ministry in which for just $30 per month you can sponsor a child in the art school or a lady in the cooking school. This sponsorship…

  • Upcoming Trips

    One of the ways we invest in our work in Guatemala is through regular trips there. The trips my contain various things such as building chicken coups, working in the art and cooking schools, building homes, or painting, but most importantly investing in the lives of the people there by building relationships with them. Our…

  • The Hope of Jesus

    One of the toughest parts of being in Guatemala is the emotions you experience through seeing the extreme poverty, the neglect, and sometimes the abuse.  This is especially difficult when it is the kids that are experiencing this neglect and abuse.  This precious boy to the left is the younger brother of one of the girls…

  • Love Guatemala Team

    Our last trip to Guatemala was a little different than most. We sent a team last week with Pastor Ben & Jennifer Kunkel, Pastor Aaron Story and Susie Hood. We went to do some of the usual stuff we typically do while we are there such as home visits and build chicken coops. But one…

  • Want to Go to Guatemala?

      One of the ways we love Guatemala is through regular trips there throughout the year.  We took our first trip to Guatemala almost three years ago and have been going at least 2 times per year for the last 3 years. This year we decided it would be best to take multiple trips there. Why?…

  • Make A Difference!

    One of the barriers to many children being able to go to school in Guatemala is school supplies. What many of our kids take for granted or even dislike, is sometimes the only barrier keeping theseprecious kids from receiving an education. Because of the generosity of God’s people we were able to provide school supplies…

  • Sustainable Stoves Project

    One of the accepted health risks for Guatemalans is open flame cooking inside their homes. The open flames fill the homes with smoke and cause major pulmonary health issues for children. We're researching a simple, inexpensive stove which will prevent major health risks to these families, and 1k Per Day Formula: $250 Payouts we want…

  • Love Guatemala 365 : ArtSpace Exhibit December 2011

    Love Guatemala 365 Friday, December 2nd 6-9 pm The ArtSpace at The Atheneum 401 E Michigan St (map) Learn more about the heart of Hot – Reimage Top Converting Offer our partnership in Guatemala Art will be on display and available for purchase by the kids enrolled in La Esquela de Arte in Magdalena, Guatemala…

  • Want to go to Guatemala? Here’s how and other ways to be involved

    For the last couple of years we have sent teams to Guatemala about twice per year. We are going to be shifting this a bit for 2012. Our goal is to send 5 teams of 5 in 2012. Here are some of the reasons why we wanted to make this shift: – It gives us more…

  • Must we say, Adios?

    Thursday, August 24, 2011 Spent the day in La Esquela de Arte with Carlos, Thelma, Antoinetta and Jose. Cristin taught the class a new paint form. The students, ages 7- 14, were quick to adapt. Carlos and Thelma hosted us for lunch. A truly authentic Guatemalan dish and las chicas made tortillas. The maize is…