Restrictions in Guatemala



The restrictions continue to increase here in Guatemala as time goes on. As you may know, this last weekend the president required small stores only to be open from 8-11 AM and no vehicle use. Now this weekend, the rules have become even more strict. This weekend, nothing will be allowed open and no one is allowed out of their house until Monday morning. This will be a challenge for many as there are a lot of people here that buy what they need each day. 

As a ministry we are praying for this country as so many people are struggling. We feel grateful that God has allowed us to continue on during this difficult time to continue to reach as many people as possible. As we have mentioned before, we are very grateful for technology in this time especially because we are able to keep in touch with the students as well as spread the Gospel through the broadcasted church services. We ask that you pray with us for the staff and students of Love Guatemala, and the people of Guatemala.


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