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June 7, 2023
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Each month our staff and student devotionals are centered around a certain value. Each value was thought of at the beginning of the year and based on a passage from the Bible. They are valued that we want our staff and students to live by.

Not only are the devotionals based on the values, but each month our staff choose two students that best embody that value. We love being able to see how the students strive not just to be student of the month, but to really focus on what they are being taught.

This past month, the value was punctuality and the verse was Proverbs 20:4. It talks about the sluggard and how we strive to not be like that. So this week, we were able to award the students! This month of June, our value is humility. It will be exciting to see who the staff award at the end of the month!

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