Cerro de la Cruz, Antigua

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mark and Gina Schmidt put a beautiful day together for us in Antigua. We started out at Cerro de la Cruz which overlooks the city of Antigua and the volcanos. Then drove into Antigua. First stop was Ruinas del Convento Mercedario, built in the 18th Century. After that, off to the markets. The Schmidt's made arrangement's for us to dine at Tartine's (4a Calle Oriente no. 1C, Antigua) for lunch on their outdoor balcony laying over the Ruinas de la Catedral. Simply beautiful, delicious, perfect. We managed so see the volcano er

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upt while there as well. After lunch toured the Catedral and headed back to Magdalena.

Once back we delivered the two chicken coops. The first family, one of the daughter's is in the baking school. The second family, one of the children were in La Esquela de Arte. She shared with us that she worked a few days a week at a factory nearby trimming the ends of beans for something like .25US/day. One of her older boys would work as well. We ended the day with Worship and getting to spend some quality time with Brock Johnson of deepStream.
