Category: faith

  • Learning from Home

    The students and teachers have been working hard in their classes since quarantine started. We are very proud of how the teachers have been working to make sure their students continue to receive the education they need. The students have also been very responsible with sending pictures and videos of what they have been working…

  • Love Guatemala’s Response to the corona virus

    The challenging times we are in with the coronavirus is affecting everyone. Love Guatemala is no exception. Guatemala has a growing number of cases and they are taking extreme precautions to keep it from spreading any further. This is very important in a country that can not even handle normal day illnesses led alone a…

  • Pablo’s Story

    We are so happy to be able to see all of the new students that have signed up for cooking this year! Pablo is one of our students this first year. He is so excited to be able to have the opportunity to study in Love Guatemala. It is quite a sacrifice though for him…

  • New Life Church

    New Life Church has been steadily growing since its start in 2018. It started out with just 8 people attending, and this past Wednesday night, the service was so full that the multipurpose area almost did not fit everyone! There were 74 people in attendance.The amount of joy that blessing brings is incomparable. The church…

  • Valentine’s Day

    In Guatemala in February we celebrate the day of love and friendship. Valentine’s Day or “Dia del Cariño” is a celebration with gifts, food, and many more things. In Love Guatemala, we celebrated today! This day was a time to share in each classroom, eat, open gifts and to bring closer together all the students.…

  • Denilson’s Testimony

    This past Saturday, we had a very exciting moment. In the student devotional, one of the student’s accepted Christ! We are so excited when we can witness this and are so excited for this student’s future following God. He told us a little bit about his life and testimony and why he chose to make…

  • Patty

    In December, we lost someone very special. We lost not only a staff member, but a part of the Love Guatemala family. Patty was such a special part of our family and we will miss her dearly. We are so grateful for the years God allowed her to make an impact on so many lives.…

  • Board Visit and Celebration

    This past week we have had the privilege of having some of our board members here with us! It has been great to have Kim, Jainie, and Amy here to see all the new things happening in Love Guatemala. In the morning on Friday, we all had a staff meeting and presented our plans for…

  • Starting A New Year

    This past Friday, all of the staff of Love Guatemala came back from Christmas break to begin getting ready for this school year. It was such a blessing because we were able to take the first half of the morning to be in God’s Word, pray, and worship together. Carlos gave the message about how…

  • Allen’s Changed Life

    Allen is currently in the carpentry school at Love Guatemala. He is a great student who shows much promise in his future as a carpenter. That being said, life has not always been easy for Allen. When he was just three years old, his father left his family. It was a very hard day for…