Bridging The Gap

We had team here last week and they got to see the students they were sponsoring graduate. A few of the people that sponsor students here got to see where their love and money was going and what it was doing. Our sponsors helped some of our students graduate. That’s a big reason we love teams. We need sponsors but we don’t need them to only support financially, we want relationships to be built with our students so they can know much God loves them no matter what. That’s why we’re here. We are here because God called us to make a difference in these students lives and give them hope through the gospel.

The team was the Virginia Bridge Team from Bridge Christian Church. This was the mural we painted with them

We got a lot done this week with this team including making bunk beds and giving them to families who all share one bed and can’t afford more, making chicken coups and buying chicks, helping with feeding center,  and helping set up for graduation. So here’s a few pics (or a lot) of the Virginia Bridge Team serving.

Staining the boards for the bunk beds

Carlos being Carlos

Teaching the cooking students how to make hard candy

We had a piñata for the kids in the feeding center

Delivering a chicken coup for one of our students

Making food for the graduation

Putting our foot and hand prints on our mural


The kids enjoying their new bunk bed

Setting up for graduation

That pretty much sums up their trip and how they served with us.

In one of our team meetings we were talking about how this kind of a trip can impact a person. The only way it can truly impact you and make a difference in your life is if you come down here and see the laughs, smiles, poverty, dirt floors, overflowing amount of skinny dogs, and most of all the difference you can make and God’s incredible and perfect love that is shown first hand here in person.  That’s how these people know you care and how they can see that you love them enough to use your money and time to come down here and talk about how great our God is and show his love.  Romans 8:39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below – indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

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