Sharing God’s Word Together

This year, we have been going through the book of John in our staff devotions. It has been enriching to go through each chapter and verse. Often, we pick verses out of chapters in the Bible to focus on for a devotional, but do not take the time to go in depth and focus on each verse in a book. It has been a blessing to do something differently in our time together and take the time to go through it piece by piece.

Each member of our staff is scheduled to do a devotional throughout the year. It is beautiful to hear the hearts of each person as they share what God has showed them in his word. It also has been fun to see what the staff come up with for their ice breakers at the beginning of our time together. We have had everything from acting out skits, to singing songs in pairs.  

We are blessed to have a staff that not only searches for the heart of God, but also that has joy in sharing what they are learning. We can’t wait to see what else we are able to learn from the staff and their time with God.