Today is Tuesday….in one week from today, Kristen and Allen will be joining me here in Guatemala 🙂 And in exactly a week and half from today (next Friday), the three of us will be heading back to the states! Hard to believe I have been here for almost 4 weeks now. This past week, I was sick with a parasite….I'll spare you all the details, but I was REALLY sick. Luckily, I had Cipro (anti parasite medicine) with me, so I started to take that, and it seemed to help a lot. I am feeling much better this week, and hoping I don't get sick again before I leave. This past weekend, I spent some time with Brock and Kari (missionaries with Deep Stream that live in Buena Vista) and their family. It was nice to have a day of rest with them and to really get to know their family. We had a Bible study together on Philippians 4:13 (I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me), but we focused on the verse in context and how Paul talks about being content in any situation whether having plenty or nothing. It was so good to dig into the word with others and have an in depth study together. It was challenging for me because I know that at times, I have n
ot been content with being here. I have missed home, and had the desire to be home. It was exactly the scripture that I needed to bring me back my focus and to see the importance of being content no matter what and that God will honor that and give us the strength that we need. Today, Carlos, Telma, and I went to Guatemala City to buy the matresses for the bunk beds that I purchased with the support money. After working in the art school in the afternoon, we went to Christian's house and delievered the bed/matresses to their family. It was a fun experience…..we all helped to put together the bunk beds and got to spend some good QT with the family. They were definitely grateful for the beds, and the little girl, Roxanna couldn't stop smiling….she was super excited. Carlos talked with the family for a bit about the beds and IndyMetro Church. Then I talked with them and told them that I felt blessed to know them and to be able to work with their son in the Art School…I explained to them that this was a gift from God and that God is using IMC to bless them. I have some great pictures and video of the house/family to share with you all when I get back.